Welcome 2024-25: A Thrilling Start to the New Academic Year

We are delighted to share the exciting news of a fantastic start to the new academic year at Beacon. Our corridors have been filled with laughter and joy as students and teachers return to the classroom.

This year, we have welcomed 83 new students and their families from Kindergarten to Grade 12. Our faculty has also grown by 20%, increasing our diversity to include 26 different nationalities. This global perspective will undoubtedly enrich our school community and foster a strong sense of international mindedness.

We are thrilled to announce the recent release of our IBDP and IGCSE results, which reflect the exceptional achievements of our students. Here are some highlights:

IBDP Class of 2024

  • 33 students registered for the diploma
  • Highest Diploma Score: 40 points
  • Average Diploma Score: 32 points (Global Average 30.32)
  • 100% pass rate in the DP core (TOK/EE/CAS) with five students receiving 3 bonus points
  • Mean bonus points average: 2
  • 100% university placements with 60% or above securing scholarships
  • 95% predicted score accuracy
  • 91% Diploma pass rate
  • 67% of students are above the global average
  • 53% of students scored 34 points and above

Our valedictorian, Ansley Benedict Carlo, achieved the highest score and received a scholarship of CAD $100,000 from the University of Toronto. Many other students were also awarded scholarships for their chosen fields of study in Canada, the US, the UK, Australia, Europe, Hong Kong, Singapore, and China.

IGCSE Class of 2024

  • Total Students: 32 (17 IGCSE) (15 BFP)
  • 100% IGCSE certificates awarded
  • 87 % Students scored  A* – C
  • 70% students achieved Distinction or Merit in ICE certification

Kabir Vaswani topped the class with 7 A*s, followed closely by Keira Rania Lusli and Rosemary Audrey Elleina Haryanto. In recognition of their outstanding achievements, the school awarded academic scholarships totaling Rp.60,000,000 for two years of the IB diploma program to Kabir and Keira, and Rp.40,000,000 to Rosemary.

We also honored the top IGCSE students from the 2023 class, awarding Veronica Yap and Devlin Mikha Dharmawan academic scholarships of Rp.30,000,000 and Rp.20,000,000, respectively.

These scholarships are a testament to the students’ hard work and dedication, and we anticipate their continued success as they graduate from Beacon.

Beyond academic achievements, Beacon remains committed to fostering the social and emotional well-being of our students. We offer a wide range of co-curricular and extracurricular activities to help them develop as well-rounded individuals.

As we conclude the first month of the academic year, we are filled with excitement and anticipation for the many successful months ahead.

We look forward to another fantastic year of growth, learning, and community at Beacon.

Arvind Chalasani


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