Junior School

Beacon Academy Junior School offers IB Primary Years Programme(PYP) for children aged 3-12. The programme nurtures and develops young students as caring, active participants in a lifelong journey of learning.

The PYP Curriculum Framework

The PYP curriculum framework offers an inquiry-based, transdisciplinary curriculum that emphasizes the central principle of a ‘student-centered approach’.

  • It believes in students as partners in the learning process.
  • It promotes an understanding of commonalities of local, national, and global significance.
  • It supports the well-being of students and creates a safe and engaging environment that nurtures lifelong learners.


Primary Years Programme Curriculum

The Primary Years Programme (PYP) is a concept-based, inquiry-driven curriculum framework. The PYP strives for a balance between the search for understanding, the acquisition of essential knowledge and approaches to learning (skills), the development of positive attitudes and the opportunity for impactful action.

PYP emphasizes on four components


Powerful ideas that have relevance within and across the disciplines and which learners must explore and re-explore in order to deepen understanding.

Approaches to Learning

Skills the learners need to be able to succeed in a changing, challenging world such as thinking, research, social, communication and self-management skills.


Significant, relevant, subject matter.


Taking positive action within and beyond our community.

At each grade level, students explore knowledge that is of importance in understanding the human condition and has significance for all students of all cultures. The topics studied are engaging and challenging, and have the potential to actively involve students in their own learning.

PYP curriculum framework, has 6 transdisciplinary themes. These themes have a local and global significance and offer students the opportunity to explore the commonalities of human experience. By merging local and global perspectives, the transdisciplinary themes in our curriculum facilitate a comprehensive understanding of the world and its interconnectedness. These themes are thoughtfully designed to integrate local and global issues, enabling students to recognize their significance and relevance in the broader context.

The six transdisciplinary themes in PYP are :

  • Who We Are
  • Where We Are in Place and Time
  • How We Organize Ourselves
  • How We Express Ourselves
  • How the World Works
  • Sharing the Planet

Throughout the school year, each captivating theme is explored intensively for approximately five to six weeks. This extended duration allows for in-depth investigation, ensuring that students are actively engaged and faced with challenging learning opportunities. By delving into these themes, students develop a deeper appreciation for their place in the world and how their knowledge and actions can contribute to positive change on both local and global scales.

PYP Exhibition

As a culmination of their PYP journey, all Year 5 students actively participate in the PYP Exhibition. The learners draw on all their ATL skills, Learner Profile, conceptual understandings and knowledge to pursue a personal inquiry that includes action and present it to the school community. This significant event provides an opportunity for students to showcase their learning and understanding in a comprehensive manner.

Although our subjects are transdisciplinary and integrate through units of inquiry, we offer the following subjects in the PYP at Beacon Academy.

  • Mathematics
  • English
  • Bahasa
  • Mandarin/Hindi
  • Visual Arts
  • Performing Arts- (music/dance/drama)
  • Unit of Inquiry (Science & Social Studies)
  • Physical Education
  • Personal, Social, Education (PSE)

Junior School Hours : 7:40 am- 2:20 pm

Our Parents in Their Own Words

I am happy with the growth of my daughter in Beacon Academy, she becomes independent and responsible with her studies. She finds PYP makes learning fun and enjoyable.

Year 3 Parent

More Information

Or you can speak with the School’s Leadership Team