Lower Senior School (Years 9 and 10)

Cambridge IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education)

Cambridge IGCSE subjects are a collection of courses designed to provide learners in Years 9 and 10 with high-quality international education. The courses cover a wide range of subject areas and are structured to promote active inquiry and deep exploration of various curriculum areas. This program helps learners develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and investigative skills, which align with global education standards. By guiding our learners to choose courses in multiple subject groups, the IGCSE Program at Beacon Academy provides the perfect link from the Cambridge Lower Secondary Middle Years Program to the final two years of their academic career culminating with the IB Diploma Programme. The IGCSE curriculum encourages learners to become independent thinkers and learners, preparing them for higher education and university studies. Learners will also have time to involve themselves in the numerous extracurricular activities on offer to keep an all-important balance of academics and extracurricular activities. Stepping up to Years 9-10 can be challenging, but, at Beacon Academy, the IGCSE Learner will be supported throughout to meet deadlines for coursework, homework, revision, mock examinations and finally their external examinations at the end of Year 10.

A Comprehensive Secondary Approach (ICE AWARD)

The Cambridge International Certificate in Education (ICE) is awarded to learners who successfully complete a minimum of seven Cambridge IGCSE subjects, comprising two from Group 1 and one from each of Groups 2 to 5. The seventh subject can be selected from any of the available syllabus groups.
ICE is widely acknowledged as evidence of exceptional academic achievement and is highly regarded by universities and employers globally. Moreover, it is often a prerequisite for admission processes at many universities.
For more information regarding Cambridge ICE, click here.

Assessing Student Achievement

Year 9-10 learners at Beacon Academy usually study eight or nine Cambridge IGCSE subjects, giving a balanced mix of theoretical knowledge and practical experience. As learners progress through their two-year IGCSE learning path they will have the opportunity to sit for external assessments with the subjects that they take. These exams allow learners to understand their progress through their coursework as well as highlighting areas of advanced achievement. Towards the latter half of Year 10, the examinations include written and oral tests as well as practical assessment. Learners receive internationally-recognised certificates for each subject exam that they successfully complete.

Our Parents in Their Own Words

Beacon academy helped my daugther develop intellectually, socially and creatively. Beacon offered her the space to grow in so many aspects of her life, including building her self-esteem & talents. I am proud of who she has become today.

Year 10 Parent

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