Coffee Morning: Coffee & Catch-Up- Start the Year Right

The Coffee Morning at Beacon Academy is a cherished tradition and is organized to welcome new and returning families to the school, providing an opportunity for parents to meet the staff and each other, and to discuss the upcoming school year. The Coffee Morning in Junior School took place during the first week of the new academic year 2024-2025.

The turnout was impressive and the event saw a mix of new and returning families, ensuring a vibrant and diverse gathering. The teachers kicked off the event with a welcome speech, highlighting the school’s procedures and goals for the upcoming year. This was followed by introductions of key staff members. Several ice-breaking activities were organized, where parents and teachers mingled to get to know each other better. The session also provided details on activities, upcoming events, new initiatives, and volunteer opportunities for parents.

Parents appreciated the opportunity to meet teachers and other parents in a relaxed setting. New families felt particularly welcomed and supported.

The Coffee Morning successfully achieved its goal of creating a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere for the school community. The session not only facilitated meaningful connections among parents and teachers but also set a positive tone for the school year ahead. 


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